Identifying Home Advantage in Football 축구 경기의 홈 어드밴티지
김종원 Kim¸ Jongwon
The aim of this study was to identify existence and nonexistence of home advantage in football. All match(N=228) were used as a sample and match venue, travel distance, the number of attendance, attendance share(%), match result and performance indicators were used as a variable for this study. All data were provided from data portal in Korea Football League and IBM SPSS 26.0 was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was firstly conducted to get the means and standard deviations and a correlation analysis was conducted to identify relationship between variables. Afterward, cross-tabulation analysis. chi-square test, independent t-test, oneway-ANOVA test were conducted to determine mean differences between variables. The results showed that home teams won 38.5% of the matches (55.9% without draw) and majority of indicators such as shot, pass, ball possession were higher when playing at home compared to away. There were no significant relationship between travel distance, attendance, attendance share and match result and indicators. This study is meaningful in the way that attempted to present new methodology for identifying home advantage in football.
Key Words
축구, 경기분석, 홈 어드밴티지, 경기 장소, 이동 거리, 관중 수, K리그, Football, Performance analysis, Home advantage, Match venue, Travel distance, Attendance, K-league
Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions and Influencing Factors on the Practice of Elementary and Secondary Schools Physical Education Continuity 초ㆍ중등 연계 체육수업 실천에 대한 교사의 인식과 영향 요인 탐색
Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions and Influencing Factors on the Practice of Elementary and Secondary Schools Physical Education Continuity 초ㆍ중등 연계 체육수업 실천에 대한 교사의 인식과 영향 요인 탐색
우평호 Woo¸ Pyung-ho , 이옥선 Lee¸ Ok-seon
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of elementary and secondary teachers on the practice of physical education curriculum continuity and to explore the factors influencing their perception of the practice. Three 6th grade elementary classroom teachers and three 1st grade secondary PE teachers at the closest point to the continuity were selected. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with elementary and secondary teachers, documents on PE curriculum, and teaching and learning materials. Teachers’ perceptions of PE continuity were (a) invisible continuity on the walls of reality, (b) desired continuity in segmental practice, and (c) practical continuity through looking back and looking forward. Factors influencing the perception of continuity among elementary and secondary teachers were (a) partition culture of elementary and secondary school, (b) teacher’s curriculum expertise, and (c) lack of practical recording system for tracking student achievement. Based on these findings, suggestions for enhancing elementary and secondary PE continuity in a practical context were proposed.
Key Words
체육, 수업 실천, 연계성, 교사 인식, Physical education, Teaching practice, Continuity, Teacher’s perception
Reconsideration of the Right to Learning System According to the Awareness Survey on the C0 Rule C0 규정에 대한 인식 조사에 따른 학습권 보장제도 재고
Reconsideration of the Right to Learning System According to the Awareness Survey on the C0 Rule C0 규정에 대한 인식 조사에 따른 학습권 보장제도 재고
권형일 Hyungil Kwon , 최미화 Mihwa Choi
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the C⁰ rule, which directly affected the career of college student-athletes, met the needs of the student-athletes who were the main consumers of the policy. For the analysis, data from 380 college student-athletes subject to C⁰ rule were used. It performed the frequency analysis for each item, which was formatted with a 5-point Likert scale. Data collected through descriptive questions were analyzed after categorizing the common responses. The results are as follows. When it pertains to ‘degree of policy perception’, the student-athletes have a relatively high comprehension regarding the background of the C⁰ rule. They also understood the educational purpose of the C⁰ rule. It was also confirmed that they cognitively understood the positive influence of the C⁰ rule on their future career choices. However, the student-athletes noted that the C⁰ rule needed to be rectified so that it could reflect the demand of the student-athletes. The second area is ‘degree of policy acceptance’, where student-athletes are found to accept the C⁰ rule and have their own personal strategies to achieve the necessary grades to be able to participate in varsity competition. In the third area, ‘degree of policy adaptability in-field’, student-athletes reported that the faculties and school management, including themselves, were relatively well adapted to the C⁰ rule. Fourth area was ‘fit of the policy to the demand’. Theresult was quite ambivalent. Almost half of the research participants indicated that the C⁰ rule fit the needs of the student-athletes. But at the same time, the rest half indicated that it did not reflect the needs of them. The last area was ‘the effectiveness of policy’. The result was quite similar to the fourth area in that almost half of them found the C⁰ rule effective whereas the rest found ineffective. Student-athletes considered that the C⁰ rule could contribute to their career preparation. However, in most of the answers of the open-ended questions, they perceived that the rule forced then to study. This result can be provide empirical data for policy implementers to improve their policies.
Key Words
C⁰ 규정, 학습권, 학습권 보장제도, 사회진출 준비, C⁰ rule, right for learning, Learning guarantee system, preparing to advance into society
A Narrative Inquiry of Ssireum Student-Athletes’ Dropout Experiences 씨름부 학생선수의 중도탈락 경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구
A Narrative Inquiry of Ssireum Student-Athletes’ Dropout Experiences 씨름부 학생선수의 중도탈락 경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구
천종문 Cheon¸ Jong Mun , 홍덕기 Hong¸ Deock Ki
The purpose of this study was to explore Ssireum student-athletes’ dropout process. To do this, this study revealed three Ssireum student-athletes’s dropout experiences using a narrative inquiry. The data were collected from individual interviews with student-athletes, teachers and coaches’ interviews, related documents, and research notes. The data were analyzed using a narrative inquiry analysis procedure. The results were as follows. First, ‘The first step as Ssireum student-athletes’ revealed ‘the beginning as promising student-athletes’ and ‘the reason why the participants have to go away from hometown’. Second, ‘the control culture of the everyday lives’ revealed ‘the exhausted life caused by over-training’ and ‘the routinized violent culture’. Third, ‘the essential reason of the dropout’ revealed ‘A’s unwanted suspension from school’, ‘B’s decision making deprivation for choosing the middle school’, and ‘C’s back injury caused by over-training’. Fourth, ‘the wall of dropout’ revealed ‘the irreversible choice’ and ‘the maladjustment as students’. Based on the results, the meanings of student-athletes’ dropout experiences were ‘the absence’, ‘the sorrows’, and ‘the transition’.
A Qualitative Research on Physical Education Major Students’ Experience of Double Major 체육교육과 학생의 이중전공 이수경험에 관한 질적 연구
손동인 Dongin Son , 박정호 Jungho Park
The purpose of this study was to explore the reason why Physical Education major students select double major, and to find out their struggles and efforts through double major. For this study we conducted 3 formal interviews with 4 main participants out of 8 study participants. The collected data was processed by the method of Wolcott(1994). The result of the study is as follows. First, Physical Education major students select double major in order to expand their possible career choice and to fulfill their interest toward other majors. Second, Physical Education major students experience various difficulties regarding their studies and career choice during double major. Third, Physical Education major students feel satisfied by the fact they were able to expand their point of view through double major, but also showed some dissatisfaction by the fact double major was not as useful in their career. Based on the study, Physical Education major students experience the difference between the ideal and the reality of finding a linkage between their majors, but form a base of searching new careers. In this point of view, it is evident that the experience of double major affects Physical Education students in their career search and career choice.
Key Words
체육교육과, 이중전공, 진로탐색, 학업 및 취업, Physical Education major, double major, career search, academic studies and job searching
Investigating Intellectual Structure of Korean Sport Policy Using the Keyword Network and Topic Modeling 주제어 연결망 및 토픽모델링을 활용한 한국체육정책학의 지적 구조 규명
Investigating Intellectual Structure of Korean Sport Policy Using the Keyword Network and Topic Modeling 주제어 연결망 및 토픽모델링을 활용한 한국체육정책학의 지적 구조 규명
김경식 Kim¸ Kyung Sik
This study seeks to identify key keywords that symbolize changes in the core keywords of sports policy research by period and sports policy research through keyword network analysis. want to In this study, sports policy-related papers were collected from KCI in order to identify research trends in sports policy. In order to collect sports policy data, in this study, 737 papers with keywords of ‘sports policy’ in the topic were selected for the journals and the Korean Journal of Sport Policy. In this study, semantic network and topic modeling analysis were performed to identify the research trend of sport policy. The conclusion is as follows. First, there was a change in the key keywords of the study on sports policy by period. Second, the keyword pairs of sport policy appeared frequently in the order of policy-sport, education-policy, club-sport, industry-sport, facility-sport, instructor-sport, promotion-sport, leisure-sport, etc. The core keywords were sport, policy, education, school, system, development, leisure, athlete, facility, program, etc. Third, the topic of sports policy was the sport industry, school sport, sport policy governance, sport for all, elite sport, international sport, sport ethics, and sport human power in the order of the highest proportion. Sport industry topics are clearly increasing, and sport policy governance topics are showing an overall increasing trend. Although the topic of school sport repeat the increase or decrease, it is on a decreasing trend, and sport for all, elite sport, sport ethics, international sport, and sport human power repeats the increase and decrease, and there is no particular tendency.
Key Words
체육정책, 지적 구조, 연구동향, 주제어 연결망, 토픽모델링, Sport Policy, Intellectual Structure, Research Trend, Keyword Newtwork, Topic Modeling
A Critical Analysis of Strengthening Punishment for Eradicating Misbehavior in Sport 스포츠 부정행위 근절과 처벌강화에 관한 비판적 고찰
A Critical Analysis of Strengthening Punishment for Eradicating Misbehavior in Sport 스포츠 부정행위 근절과 처벌강화에 관한 비판적 고찰
임다연 Lim Dayoun
Whenever cheating occurred in sports, a key point of the measures proposed by the government, sports institutions, associations, and affiliated organizations was strong punishment. The purpose of this study is to critically examine whether strengthening punishment and disciplinary action through analysis of punishment theory can be a fundamental and effective way to eradicate cheating in the sports world. In order to achieve this research purpose, first, the definition and concept of cheating were considered from a philosophical point of view. Next, through a review of previous studies and literature related to sports cheating, the types and characteristics of sports cheating were derived, and the conceptual differences and characteristics of general cheating and sports cheating were compared and analyzed. Finally, through the analysis of Kant and Bentham’s theory of punishment, the appropriateness and justification of strengthening punishment in these sports circles were discussed. The results of this study are as follows. They argued that cheating in the sports world should have different approaches to prevent and suppress cheating in general society due to the moral characteristics of sports. By applying Bentham and Kant’s punishment theory to sports fraud cases and reviewing its effectiveness and justification, it was found that strengthening punishment for sports fraud could have an inhibitory effect on instantaneous behavior, but could not contribute to fostering moral autonomy to fundamentally solve problems. This paper emphasized that the problem cannot be solved only by institutional devices at the level of punishment and disciplinary action, and that preventive education at the level of personal ethics must be conducted in parallel, and suggested the appropriate content, method, and policy necessity and direction.
The Structural Relationships Among Relational Bonds of Sport Center, Positive Emotion, Member Satisfaction, Exercise Maintenance and Recommendation Intention 스포츠센터 관계유대와 긍정적 감정, 회원만족, 운동지속 및 추천의사의 구조적 관계
The Structural Relationships Among Relational Bonds of Sport Center, Positive Emotion, Member Satisfaction, Exercise Maintenance and Recommendation Intention 스포츠센터 관계유대와 긍정적 감정, 회원만족, 운동지속 및 추천의사의 구조적 관계
정승훈 Jeong¸ Seung-hoon
This study explored how relational bonds influence customer’s positive emotions, member satisfaction, exercise maintenance, and recommendation intention in the sports center. This study aims to understand the necessity of relational bonds in sports centers to provide foundational data for sports marketing. The data included 343 usable data analyses from seven sport center members in Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeollabuk-do, and Jeollanam-do province. To analyze the data, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, descriptive analysis and SEM(structural equation modeling) were performed using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0. The study results are as follows. First, the social and structural ties of sports centers had a significant influence on positive emotions. Second, the structural tie of the sports center have a significant influence on member satisfaction, but the social tie of the sports center did not have a significant influence on member satisfaction. Third, positive emotions of the sports center have a significant influence on member satisfaction and recommendation intention. Still, the positive emotion of the sports center did not have a significant influence on exercise maintenance. Fourth, member satisfaction of sports center have a significant influence on exercise maintenance, but member satisfaction of sports center did not have a significant influence on recommendation intention. Fifth, exercise maintenance hve a significant influence on recommendation intention.
Key Words
스포츠센터, 관계유대, 긍정적 감정, 회원만족, 운동지속, 추천의사, sport center, relational bonds, positive emotions, member satisfaction, exercise maintenance, recommendation intention
Sports Hero Sammy Lee(1920-2016): A Korean Diaspora, Doctor, and Olympic Gold Medalist 스포츠 영웅 새미 리(Sammy Lee, 1920-2016): 코리안 디아스포라, 의사, 올림픽 금메달리스트
Sports Hero Sammy Lee(1920-2016): A Korean Diaspora, Doctor, and Olympic Gold Medalist 스포츠 영웅 새미 리(Sammy Lee, 1920-2016): 코리안 디아스포라, 의사, 올림픽 금메달리스트
한송열 Sean S. Han , 이병구 Byung-goo Lee
This study examines the life of Sammy Lee(1920-2016), who won two Olympic gold medals in platform diving in 1948 and 1952, and his activities as a second generation Korean-American diver, otorhinolaryngologist, sports coach, and sports ambassador. Despite the unparalleled achievements, Sammy Lee’s life have been largely neglected in existing studies of nation-centered sports history. This study reexamines Lee’s life as a Korean diaspora and transnational activities by using new historical evidence from the Korean-American news media and post-liberated South Korean news media. The study’s findings are as follows: Sammy Lee’s success has given Korean Americans dreams and hopes, and he contributed to the integration of American society divided by racial conflict and discrimination. Lee introduced South Korean diving prospects to the international sports stage, prompting a drastic change that made South Korea a diving powerhouse in the 1970s. In addition to that, it provides a historical case of an athlete overcoming practical and psychological barriers and offers critical insight on the role of athletes in enhancing social integration.
Key Words
새미 리(1920-2016), 다이빙, 한국인 디아스포라, 올림픽 메달리스트, 스포츠 외교, Sammy Lee(1920-2016), diving, Korean diaspora, olympic medalist, sports diplomacy
The Social Construction of Expertise in Sports/Exercise for Health and Concepts of Therapeutic Exercise 건강운동관리사 전문성과 운동치료 개념의 사회적 구성
The Social Construction of Expertise in Sports/Exercise for Health and Concepts of Therapeutic Exercise 건강운동관리사 전문성과 운동치료 개념의 사회적 구성
진현주 Jin¸ Hyunju , 김효민 Hyomin Kim
This paper provides a holistic diagnosis on the Korean contexts where the tasks of sports/exercise specialist for health (below S/E specialists) and the concept of exercise therapy are produced. In so doing, it suggests practical strategies to tackle the problematic issues of S/E specialists’ precarious positions as experts in both sports and medicine. Our research interest lies primarily in the particular conditions under which S/E for health were or were not understood as an area requiring its own expertise. This study used qualitative research methods to explore how S/E specialist perceive their own expertise as based on solid or unstable foundations. In addition, it examined how experts in adjacent fields evaluate S/E specialists as possessing or lacking contributory expertise that is required to give them professional authorities. The interviewees listed the following four elements as essential for the social recognition of S/E specialists as experts: a clear definition of the job title, a system for appropriate compensation, legal and administrative bases for the job category, and perception of the field that is consistent with the theory in sports science. In consideration of the aforementioned four elements as interrelated demands, this paper suggested five practical strategies for aiding S/E specialists to be recognized as experts.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the factors that determine subscription among golf contents currently being watched for subscribers who subscribe to YouTube golf channels. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, an open survey was conducted on 286 subscribers who subscribed to the golf channel, and secondly, focus group interviews were conducted. Specifically, the interviewees were subscribers who continuously subscribed to YouTube golf channels for more than one year and subscribed to three or more channels at the same time, divided into three groups: five in a group of more than one year, four in a group of more than five years, and five in a group of more than 10 years. Inductive analysis was conducted on the collected data, and based on the derived data, topics were categorized into three areas (small, medium, and large categories) according to similarity and the frequency of each area was calculated. As a result of the analysis, a total of 676 original data were found, and based on the original data, it was categorized into 26 major categories and 6 factors. The motivational factors for subscribing to YouTube golf channels were content quality, creator attractiveness, information pursuit, vicarious satisfaction, mutual exchange, and viewing convenience. This study studied the motivation for subscribing to golf channels related to sports that have not yet been actively studied. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to contribute to the development of the golf industry using YouTube, and it will be possible to provide basic data for effective marketing strategies of golf companies by developing various and differentiated golf contents necessary for the 4th industrial era.
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Attitude of Use Smartphone Healthcare Application for the Elderly: Focused on Extended Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) 고령자 스마트폰 헬스케어 어플리케이션의 사용태도 탐색: 확장된 기술수용모델 적용
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Attitude of Use Smartphone Healthcare Application for the Elderly: Focused on Extended Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) 고령자 스마트폰 헬스케어 어플리케이션의 사용태도 탐색: 확장된 기술수용모델 적용
고대선 Ko¸ Dae-sun
The purpose of this study was to explore which variables have the most important influence on the attitude of use the health care application using smartphones for the elderly. The subjects are the elderly 65 years of age(from 65 to under 74) which is an age group that does not have any problems with smartphone use. Total of 374 were analyzed. The results of the elderly’s health care application usage attitude are as follows. First, as a first step, socio-demographic variables did not appear to have a statistically significant effect on usage attitude. Second, when socio-demographic variables and variables of pleasure, interaction, cost, and trust were input as the second step, only trust was found to be a variable affecting attitude of use. Third, in the third stage, when socio-demographic variables, pleasure, interaction, cost, trust, and usefulness and ease of use were input, trust was found to be the variable that had the highest influence on the attitude to use. It is a result of knowing that a healthcare application should be suitable and easy for the elderly to use, and especially it should be a reliable and reliable application.
Key Words
고령자, 헬스케어 어플리케이션, 사용태도, 확장된 기술수용모델, Elderly, Healthcare application, Attitude of use, Extended TAM
Networks Between Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Factors in Non-Face-to-Face Online Gymnastics Classes 비대면 온라인 대학전공 체조수업의 만족 요소 및 불만족 요소 간 네트워크
Networks Between Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Factors in Non-Face-to-Face Online Gymnastics Classes 비대면 온라인 대학전공 체조수업의 만족 요소 및 불만족 요소 간 네트워크
남승구 Nam¸ Seung-ku , 윤지운 Yoon¸ Jiwun
The aim of This study is to investigate the satisfaction of non-face-to-face Online Gymnastics Classes in the COVID-19 situation for college students majoring in physical education and confirmed the network connection structure between students’ satisfaction factor and dissatisfaction factor. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, sample college students who participated in the online gymnastics class at K-University in Seoul. The participants were 230 male and female students majoring in physical education, and descriptive statistics, internal consistency, one-way ANOVA, item-fit analysis, and network analysis were performed on a valid sample of 227 copies. The software used for the analysis was SPSS, WINSTEPS, and NetMiner. According to the research results, first, satisfaction of non-face-to-face online gymnastics classes was higher among male students than female students, but there was no statistically significant difference(F=0.280, p=.602). Second, satisfaction factors of non-face-to-face online gymnastics classes were professor guidance(DC=0.363), class interest(DC=0.363), teaching method(DC=0.272) and content understanding(DC=0.272). Third, dissatisfaction factors for non-face-to-face online gymnastics class were motion learning(DC=0.363), sufficient learning(DC=0.272), face-to-face comparison(DC=0.272), content(DC=0.181) and communication(DC=0.181).
Key Words
온라인 체조수업 만족도, 문항적합도, 네트워크분석, 만족요소, 불만족요소, satisfaction with online gymnastics class, item fit, network analysis, satisfaction factor, dissatisfaction factor
Kinetics and Kinematic Correlation Analysis Affecting the Ball Speed of Middle and High School Baseball Pitchers 중, 고등학교 야구 투수의 구속에 영향을 미치는 운동역학 및 운동학적 요인 간 상관분석
Kinetics and Kinematic Correlation Analysis Affecting the Ball Speed of Middle and High School Baseball Pitchers 중, 고등학교 야구 투수의 구속에 영향을 미치는 운동역학 및 운동학적 요인 간 상관분석
This study aimed to analyze the baseball pitching motion among ball speed, kinematic and kinetic variables. A total of fifty-nine baseball players were recruited for this study. All participants were analyzed about kinematic variables (Angle on propulsive force, Angle on braking force, Acceleration efficacy, Stride length, Center of gravity velocity, Peak trunk rotation velocity, Peak pelvis rotation velocity, Pelvic-trunk separation time, Shoulder range of motion, Shoulder internal rotation velocity, Elbow angle, and Elbow extension velocity), Kinetic variables (Peak propulsive force, Mean propulsive force, Peak braking force, and Mean braking force). For statistical analysis, Multiple linear regression analysis was performed based on correlation analysis, and the statistical significance level was set to 0.1. As a result, Acceleration efficacy, Elbow extension velocity, and Peak braking force were showed explanatory power of about 30.3%. Therefore, there is a need to construct a training program based on the above results.
Priority Selection of Support Items for National Representatives Using AHP 분석적 계층화 과정을 활용한 국가대표 지원 종목 우선순위선정
조은형 Eun-hyung Cho , 고병구 Byoung-goo Ko , 김태완 Tae-whan Kim , 장종오 Jong-oh Jang , 채진석 Jin-seok Chae
The purpose of this study is to establish an efficient national sports science support system, using AHP to prioritize the selection of national sports support items. As for the research method, a Delphi survey was conducted on 24 experts in 3 rounds to determine the evaluation items for selection of support items, followed by a hierarchical analysis (AHP) using a 9-point scale symmetric questionnaire comparing pairs of items Was carried out. The first stage of the study, the medal possibility area (0.757), was more important than the growth potential area (0.243). In the second stage, the Olympic medal (0.336), which is the area of potential medals, was the highest, followed by World Championship Medals (0.184), current world ranking (.147), record update (0.09), world ranking change rate (0.086), and international competition rights (0.084), followed by Asian Games medal (0.074). In addition, the next-generation international competition performance (0.176) was the highest, followed by the next-generation world ranking (0.156), player infrastructure (0.155), training budget (0.147), national connectivity (0.119), and own sports science support team (0.117)., Performance improvement program (0.086), and leader training program (0.043) in that order. As a result of developing scientific and rational selection criteria, Olympic medals appeared as the 1st place among the items, followed by world championship medals (2), current world rankings (3), record updates (4), world ranking change rates(5), international competition qualification (6), Asian Games medals (7), next-generation international competition results (8), next-generation world ranking (9), player infrastructure (10), training budget (11), national team connection (12), whether there is an in-house sports science support team (13), whether or not there is a performance improvement program (14), and whether or not there is a leader training program (15).
Key Words
AHP, 국가대표, 지원 종목, 우선순위선정, national team, support item, priority selection
The Relationship Among Relationship Benefits, Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Intention to Use: A Sport Voucher User Perspective 스포츠 바우처 이용자 부모 및 보호자의 관계혜택, 신뢰, 고객만족 및 지속이용의도 간의 관계
The Relationship Among Relationship Benefits, Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Intention to Use: A Sport Voucher User Perspective 스포츠 바우처 이용자 부모 및 보호자의 관계혜택, 신뢰, 고객만족 및 지속이용의도 간의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate a structural relationship between relational benefit, trust in instructor, customer satisfaction and continuous intention to use in the context of sport voucher user. Toward this end, a total of 273 parents and legal guardian of youth beneficiaries of the sport voucher was conveniently selected and responded to the survey questionnaire. 268 usable data were utilized in the data analyses procedure. Data were analyzed using frequent analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling with SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 21.O. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, the three sub-factors(social benefit, monetary benefit, personalized benefit) of the relational benefit had significant impact on intention to continue. However, psychological benefit did not. Secondly, psychological benefit had a significant effect on intention to continue, whereas social, monetary, and personalized benefit did not. Thirdly, instruct trust significantly affected customer satisfaction. Fourthly, instruct trust significantly affected intention to continue. Fifthly, customer satisfaction had a significant effect on intention to continue. Additionally, practical implications from the findings and suggestions were discussed.
Key Words
스포츠 바우처, 관계혜택, 신뢰, 고객만족, 지속이용의도, Sports Voucher, Relationship Benefits, Trust in Instructor, Customer Satisfaction, Continous intention to use
Relationship between Disability Awareness of Taekwondo Instructors and Planned Behavior 태권도지도자의 장애인식과 계획행동의 관계
Relationship between Disability Awareness of Taekwondo Instructors and Planned Behavior 태권도지도자의 장애인식과 계획행동의 관계
윤민수 Yoon¸ Minsoo , 김지태 Kim¸ Jitae
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between disability awareness and planned behavior based on the theory of planned behavior targeting taekwondo instructors. The subjects of the study were taekwondo instructors. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to the leaders who instruct trainees at the taekwondo studio, 150 each in Seoul and Gyeonggi regions. A total of 298 responses were applied to the final analysis, excluding data from 2 people. For analysis, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, correlation and structural equation modeling were used by the computer using the statistics program SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 20. Through the above method, the following results were obtained. Firstly, it was found that disability awareness is a factor that has a positive influence on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior. It was found that the right to education and the right to the disabled were the factors that directly affected the three factors of planning behavior among people with disabilities. Secondly, the subjective norm among planned behaviors was found to be a factor influencing behavior intention. Based on the above results, it is hoped that this study will be helpful in changing the broader awareness of the disabled in taekwondo instructors.
Cho Chul-ho’s National Education and School Sports Activities 관산 조철호 선생의 민족교육과 체육활동
이병구 Lee¸ Byunggoo
The Purpose of this study examines how Gwansan Cho, chul-ho’s achievements influenced the development of physical education during the Japanese occupation. Gwansan Cho, chul-ho’s articles, photographs, and other related materials were used. The research results are as follows. First, Gwansan teacher is an independent activist and boy activist. He led the 3.1 Movement in 1919 and the 6.1 Student Independence Movement in 1926, and became the beginning of the Korean scouting history through the creation of the Joseon Boys Army. Second, Gwansan teacher is an educator and a sportsman who contributed to the development of school sports. Gwansan teacher, who emphasized army gymnastics(兵式體操) in physical education class, emphasizes strong body and strong spirit for independence movement. At the time he was a physical education teacher at the Chooang School, he first coached and led the students who participated in baseball and soccer events as the national sports festival. Therefore, this research purpose at expanding the research areas for a history of sports figures and commemorating their achievement which have been unknown.
Key Words
관산 조철호, 일제강점기, 체육교사, 병식체조, 전국체전, Gwansan Cho chul-ho, Japan colonial era, Physical education teacher, Army gymnastics, 兵式體操, National sports festival
The Effect of Non-face-to-face Sports Mentoring on Exercise Immersion and Exercise Continuous Intention According to the Development of the New Normal Sports Industry 뉴노멀 스포츠 산업 발전에 따른 비대면 스포츠 멘토링이 운동몰입 및 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Non-face-to-face Sports Mentoring on Exercise Immersion and Exercise Continuous Intention According to the Development of the New Normal Sports Industry 뉴노멀 스포츠 산업 발전에 따른 비대면 스포츠 멘토링이 운동몰입 및 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
김종우 Kim¸ Jongwoo
The purpose of this study was to find out between non-face-to-face sports mentoring, exercise immersion and exercise continuous intention by sports facility leaders. The subjects of this study were set to exercise participants using online sports content (SNS, applications, streaming services) and online surveys were conducted using online questionnaires (Google questionnaires) to prevent infection with Covid-19. The subject of this study was 310. The data processing of this study was conducted by utilizing the SPSS Windows ver. 23.0 program to analyze frequency, reliability, and correlation, while confirmatory factor analysis and structural model analysis were conducted by utilizing the Amos 23.0 program. First, non-face-to-face sports mentoring was had a positive effect on exercise immersion. Second, among the factors of non-face-to-face sports mentoring, career development, social and psychosocial function factor were had an positive effect on exercise continuous intention. However, role-function factors was not had an effect on exercise continuous intention. Third, exercise immersion was had a positive effect on exercise continuous intention.
Mediation Effect of Athlete Engagement on the Relationship between Growth Mindest and Perceived Performance in Elite Student Athletes 엘리트 학생선수의 성장 마인드셋과 인지된 경기력의 관계에서 운동열의의 매개효과
Mediation Effect of Athlete Engagement on the Relationship between Growth Mindest and Perceived Performance in Elite Student Athletes 엘리트 학생선수의 성장 마인드셋과 인지된 경기력의 관계에서 운동열의의 매개효과
안효연 Ahn¸ Hyo-yeon , 소영호 So¸ Young-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of athlete engagement on the relationship between growth mindset and perceived performance in elite student athletes. The subjects of this study were 239 physical education high school athletes. Participants completed a series of questionnaires on the growth mindset, athlete engagement, and perceived performance. With the collected data structural equation model analysis were performed by AMOS 22.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the growth mindset impacts positively(+) influence on athlete engagement, but the perceived performance impacts no significantly influence. Second, the athlete engagement impacts positively(+) influence on perceived performance. Third, the athlete engagement was revealed to function as a complete mediating effect on the relationship between growth mindset and perceived performance. These results mean that improved their athlete engagement through growth mindset of elite student athletes, and improving their perceived performance through athlete engagement, and the growth mindset had an indirect effect on perceived performance through the athlete engagement as a complete mediating effect.
Analysis of the Semantic Network of Major Issues of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Using Text Mining 텍스트마이닝을 활용한 2020 도쿄올림픽 주요 이슈 의미연결망 분석
장지명 Jang¸ Ji Myung , 황성하 Hwang¸ Sung Ha
The purpose of this study is to analyze the main issues of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics using big data. In order to achieve this purpose, 1,978 related media reports were collected through Big Kinds of the Korea Press Foundation, and text mining and semantic network analysis were conducted using Textom and Ucinet6. As a result, the main issues of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were ‘political and diplomatic issues’, ‘Processes rather than results issues’, ‘broadcasting issues’, and ‘feminism issues’. ‘Political and Diplomatic Issues’ deals with the process of failing the Korea-Japan summit, which was promoted in the wake of the Tokyo Olympics, which simultaneously shows the advantages and limitations of sports as a diplomatic means. ‘Processes rather than results Issue’ deals with the case of women’s volleyball and baseball, which achieved the same results at the Olympics but received conflicting reviews from the public, and through this, it can be seen that the people’s perspective on sports is changing. ‘Broadcasting’ Issue deals with broadcasting accidents of domestic broadcasters that occurred during the Olympic broadcasting process, and thorough system construction and improvement of awareness of related workers are required to prevent recurrence in the future. ‘Feminism Issue’ deals with online abuse inflicted on archery Ansan players, which gives a glimpse into the seriousness of gender conflicts in our society.
Key Words
텍스트마이닝, 2020 도쿄올림픽, 의미연결망 분석, Text mining, Tokyo 2020 Olympic, Semantic network analysis
Changes in Smoking Craving, Affect, and Breath Carbon Monoxide in Nicotine Dependents Following Single Bouts of Exercise: A Comparison of Aerobic Exercise and Yoga Effects 일회성 운동에 따른 니코틴 의존자의 흡연 갈망, 정서, 호기 일산화탄소 변화: 유산소 운동과 요가의 효과 비교
Changes in Smoking Craving, Affect, and Breath Carbon Monoxide in Nicotine Dependents Following Single Bouts of Exercise: A Comparison of Aerobic Exercise and Yoga Effects 일회성 운동에 따른 니코틴 의존자의 흡연 갈망, 정서, 호기 일산화탄소 변화: 유산소 운동과 요가의 효과 비교
This study aimed to examine the differential effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on cigarette craving, affect, and breath carbon monoxide in nicotine dependents. A total of 30 smokers including seven females (26.28 ± 3.59 years) and 23 males (26.13 ± 4.15 years) with high nicotine dependence, based on the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence, participated in this intervention study. Based on a within-subject design, all participants took part in both aerobic exercise and yoga bouts. Each acute exercise session lasted for 30 minutes and performed in random order with two to three days of interval. We evaluated exercise intensity using the HR data collected from the HR sensors and self-reported ratings of exercise perception (RPE) measured before, during, and after exercise. Pre- and post-exercise cigarette craving was evaluated by the Questionnaire of Smoking Urges (QSU) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). We measured pre- and post-exercise affect using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and also assessed breath carbon monoxide. Results revealed that both aerobic exercise and yoga had significant effects on the reduction of negative affect and breath carbon monoxide. The cigarette craving measured by the VAS exhibited greater reduction after yoga than after aerobic exercise. The analyses of positive affect and QSU-brief yielded no significant difference as a function of exercise type or measurement time. The findings of this study suggest that a single bout of yoga, despite relatively low intensity, may be as effective as moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in reducing breath carbon monoxide and alleviating negative affect, and that yoga can be more effective than aerobic exercise in suppressing craving to smoke.
The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning of bet golf among golf participants and to explore how it functions in rounding. To achieve the purpose of the study, a case study was adopted, one of qualitative research methods. Participants were selected using purposeful sampling. This study consisted of 7 participants who had at least 10 experience in betting golf over 5 years of golf strength were selected as research participants. Data were collected by in-depth interview and collection of relevant materials. Collected data were analyzed by textual-analysis. The results of this study were as follow : First, bet golf is a part of the enjoyable game, and bet golf influences the atmosphere of golf rounding and it is better to play bet golf. Second, the betting golf provided an opportunity to improve performance by motivation practice, and played an important role in improving concentration in rounding. In addition, it was found that it plays a role as a factor in strengthening the relationship between partners by building a good concerned about the possibility that the betting golf could spoil the rounding, and in particular, the betting money could lead to problems among the partners or lead to gambling.
Key Words
골프참여자, 내기골프, 의미, 기능, 사례연구, golf participant, Betting Golf, meaning, function, case Study
Analysis of Media Reporting Trends Dealing with Controversy Over Gender Conflicts Related to Archery Ansan Players 양궁 안산 선수 관련 젠더 갈등 논란을 다루는 언론의 보도 경향 분석
Analysis of Media Reporting Trends Dealing with Controversy Over Gender Conflicts Related to Archery Ansan Players 양궁 안산 선수 관련 젠더 갈등 논란을 다루는 언론의 보도 경향 분석
장지명 Jang¸ Ji Myung
The purpose of this study is to analyze the media’s reporting trend dealing with controversy over gender conflicts related to archery Ansan players. To achieve this purpose, 262 media reports dealing with related cases were collected through the Korea Press Foundation’s Big Kinds, and text mining and semantic network analysis were conducted using Textom and Ucinet6 for the collected data. As a result, there were three major media reporting trends dealing with controversy over gender conflicts related to Ansan players: ‘Over-agenda of online public opinion’, ‘means of gender conflict using politics’ and ‘male treated only as the subject of attack’. The media over-proposed the issue by wrapping up and reporting some opinions on online space as controversy, and actively reported political remarks using the issue to solidify their supporters, using politics to means gender conflict. In addition, there was a tendency to report men only as the subject of the attack by highlighting only the unreasonable claims of some men and contents that were not confirmed to be true. In conclusion, the media’s above reporting trend on this issue is believed to have been closer to ‘encourage’ than to ‘adjustment’ of gender conflict situations.
Key Words
안산, 젠더 갈등, 언론 보도, 빅데이터, Ansan, Gender conflict, Media reports, Big data
An Exploration Study of the Job Stress for Soccer Instructors 축구지도자의 직무스트레스 구성요인 탐색
The purpose of this study was to investigate the construct of job stress through Open-ended Questionnaire for soccer instructors. Data collection was conducted with the open questionnaire for 238 soccer instructors who participated in the coaching qualification acquisition education workshop jointly supervised by KFA (Korea Football Association) and AFC (Asian Football Confederation). The results derived through this series of research processes are as follows. First, as a result of inductive content analysis of the open questionnaire, 5 general areas of occupational stress of soccer leaders were derived: player management, employment insecurity and treatment, infringement of autonomy, player supply, and demand and advancement, and performances. We have derived 14 detailed areas and 838 sources to support this. Secondly, as a result of job stress according to job title, the head coach had the highest job stress due to the supply and demand of athletes and the factors for going on to higher education, and the coach had the highest factor of player management. Thirdly, as a result of job stress by the coaching team, the factor of player management was the highest in all teams except the university team. I hope that the results of this study will be used as basic data for efforts to reduce the occupational stress of soccer instructors and for the development of tools for measuring the occupational stress of soccer instructors.
High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) includes low-intensity training or rest period between repeated high-intensity training and is introduced to maximize training effectiveness in a short period time. However, its effectiveness on heart rate variability (HRV) is unclear. This systematic review examines the effectiveness of HIIT on HRV. Pubmed, SCOPUS, and EBSCO databases were used to search for all studies, including HIIT intervention, HRV assessment from January 1, 2001 to February 28, 2021. Seven articles out of 1,124 studies were included in this study. Qualitative analysis was applied with Standard for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies for Heart Rate Variability Research (STARDHRV), and the mean score was 14.21 out of 25. Methodological differences existed in the assessment and analysis of HRV in each study, and most studies did not clearly report the study method and the result values such as mean and standard deviations. Therefore, STARDHRV can be used as a useful tool for reducing methodological differences in HRV assessment and analysis. In this study, HIIT improves HRV and health-related fitness in healthy adults. In addition, further studies about the effect of various HIIT training protocols on HRV are needed to provide appropriate HIIT guidelines.
Key Words
고강도 간헐적 훈련, STARDHRV sub>, 심박변이도, 건강 관련 체력, High-intensity Interval Training, STARDHRV, Heart rate variability, Health-related fitness
Relationships between Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Lower Extremity Kinematics during Lateral Step Down 발목의 발등 굽힘 가동범위와 Lateral Step Down 시 하지 관절각도의 관계
Relationships between Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Lower Extremity Kinematics during Lateral Step Down 발목의 발등 굽힘 가동범위와 Lateral Step Down 시 하지 관절각도의 관계
Limited ankle dorsiflexion range of motion can alter movement patterns of lower extremity(LE) joints. Therefore, this study aim to determine the difference between the joint angles of the LE and LE questionnaire score when performing functional movements coordinating to ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and to identify the correlation between each variables. A total 100 LEs of 50 healthy male and female participants conducted weight-bearing lunge test(WBLT) to measure the ankle dorsiflxion range of motion. LE joint angle was collected by Lateral step down(LSD) and the contribution of joint angle of the sagittal plane was analyzed by Kinovea. Lower extremity Functional Scale(LEFS) and Tegner activity level(TAL) questionnaries were also conducted to verify participants’ LE function. Based on the average of WBLT, it was classified into a high group(HG) and a low group(LG). An independent t-test was performed to determine the difference in hip, knee, and ankle joint angles during LSD between groups, and the effect size was calculated using Cohen’s d. Pearson correlation analysis was performed to confirm the correlation between dorsiflexion range of motion, joint angle at LSD, and LE functional questionnaire scores. According to our findings, the difference in lower extremity joint angles during LSD between groups showed a significant difference in all three joints(p<.05). Second, a positive correlation was observed between WBLT, kinematic variables, and questionnaries during LSD(p<.05). Third, a significant difference was observed in LEFS(p<.05), but not in TAL(p≥.05). It was confirmed that the dorsiflexion range of motion contribute a significant difference in the joint angle of the lower extremities when performing functional movements. Based on our findings, it is necessary to verify the correlation between ankle range of motion and injury occurrence and the effectiveness of intervention.